Laboratory and Instrumentation facilities
Presently, there are two laboratories in the Department of Environment Biology and Wildlife Sciences (EBWS) for UG, PG, and PhD scholars. For smooth conduct of practical classes andresearch in environment and wildlife sciences, both major and minor instrumentation facilities are available in the department. The major equipments includes: Gas Chromatograph, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, BOD Incubator, CO Monitor, Compound Microscope, DSLR Camera, COD Reader, Centrifuge, Rotary Shaker, And the minor equipments include: Binocular (Black), Digital Vernier Caliper, Clinometer, Pedometer, Digital Voice Recorder, Altimeter, Rangefinder, Double Distillation Unit, 1.5 Litre, Digital Magnetic Stirrer Hot Plate, pH Meter, Digital, Conductivity Meter (Table Top Model), Turbidity Meter, Analytical Balance, Hot Plate, Hot Air Oven, Freeze, 190 Ltr.