About the Department

The Department of Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences (EBWS) was started in 2015 due to the efforts of Prof Dhruba J Saikia, then Vice-Chancellor of erstwhile Cotton College State University. This new and somewhat unique Department is of great value to the State, which is located in one of the rich bio-diversity hotspots of the world, especially given the multidisciplinary nature of the subject and the challenges of conservation and climate change. He envisioned that via this Department new knowledge would be generated, particularly in the boundaries of traditional disciplines and has synergy with several other Departments of the University.

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Head of the Department

Recent Publications

  • Sharma A, Deka B, Bishaya P, Kumar R and Sharma N , Impact of urbanization on the taxonomic and functional diversity of spider assemblages in Guwahati City, Assam, India, Urban Ecosystems , vol.27, 239-249 , [2024], https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-023-01445-6

  • Sengupta S and Sharma N , A unique drinking behaviour of capped langur, Current Science , vol.126, 882-883, [2024]

  • Bishaya P, Hazarika V and Sharma N, Functional Diversity, Part 1: Introduction and Background, Resonance , vol.29, 825-838, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1007/s12045-024-0825-7

  • Kulnu, A. S., Hazarika, N.*, Bharali, P. , Evolution and morphodynamics of the large braided river Brahmaputra during the last four decades of the Quaternary epoch: a spatio-temporal assessment using geoinformatics, International Journal of River Basin Management , 1-19, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1080/15715124.2024.24

  • Bishaya P, Hazarika V, Sharma N, Functional Diversity Part 2: Measurements and Implications, Resonance , vol.29, 953-962, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1007/s12045-024-0953-0

  • Basfore B, Kalita, MJ, Sharma N, Boro AR , A Review of Ophidian Studies of the 21st Century and an updated checklist of the Snake Fauna of Northeast India (In Press), Journal of Threatened Taxa , [2024]

  • Kalita, B., Kumar, C.J., Hazarika, N. Baruah, K. K., Borah, L., Exploring Climate Change Adaptation Practices and Agricultural Livelihoods among Rice Farmers of the Brahmaputra Valley in Northeast India, Environmental Management , vol.73, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-024-01954-w

  • Lotha T. N, Ritse V, Nakro V, Ketiyala K, Imkongyanger I, Rudithongru L, Hazarika N, Jamir L. , Climate Change Impact and Traditional Adaptation Practices in Northeast India: A Review, Curr World Environ , vol.19, [2024]

  • Pranab Borah, Ayush Baral, Anirban Kumar Paul, Udayini Ray, Raju Bharalee, Hrishikesh Upadhyaya, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Akalesh Kumar Verma , Traditional wisdom in modern medicine: unveiling the anticancer efficacy of Northeastern Indian spices, Journal of Herbal Medicine , vol.46, 100896, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hermed.2024.100896

  • N. Chakraborty, M. Chabukdhara, M. Gogoi , Household disposal practices of unused and expired medicines: a case study of Guwahati City, Assam, India, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management , [2024], 10.1504/IJEWM.2023.10055811

  • Singh, R., Negi, R., Gonji, A. I., Sharma, N. & Sharma, R.K, Past shadows and gender roles: Human elephant relations and conservation in Southern India , Journal of Political Ecology , vol.31, 604-623, [2024], https://doi.org/10.2458/jpe.2834

  • Bedabati Kalita, Chandan Jyoti Kumar, Nabajit Hazarika, Kushal Kumar Baruah, Leena Borah, Exploring Climate Change Adaptation Practices and Agricultural Livelihoods among Rice Farmers of the Brahmaputra Valley in Northeast India, Environmental Management , [2024], https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-024-01954-w

  • Rajashree Bhuyan, Pinki Brahma, Mayuri Chabukdhara*, Neha Tyagi, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Tabarak Malik , Heavy metals contamination in sediments of Bharalu River, Guwahati, Assam, India: A tributary of river Brahmaputra, PlosOne , [2023], https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0283665

  • Hazarika, V, Bishaya P, Sharma N, Wetlands of north-east India: Status, importance and threats, GUINEIS Journal: An Interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal of North East India Studies , vol.XI, 20-42, [2023]

  • Gogoi, N, Sengupta S and Sharma N, When the Jungles Turned to Forest: Habitat Loss and Fragmentation as Drivers of Biodiversity Loss in the Lowland Tropical Forests of the Upper Brahmaputra Valley, GUINEIS Journal: An Interdisciplinary peer-reviewed Journal of North East India Studies , vol.XI, 76-92, [2023]

  • Stotrabhashyam, S., Sharma, N., Kumar, A and Sinha A, Winter foraging ecology of stump-tailed macaques Macaca arctoides in the Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary, Assam, India, Journal of Biosciences , vol.48, [2023], https://doi.org/10.1007/s12038-023-00356-0

  • Kalita N and Sharma N, Phenology: Nature's Calendar, Resonance: Journal of Science Education , vol.28, 1117-1133, [2023], https://doi.org/10.1007/s12045-023-1641-1

  • Himangshu Boruah, Neha Tyagi, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Mayuri Chabukdhara* and Tabarak Malik*, Understanding the adsorption of iron oxide nanomaterials in magnetite and bimetallic form for the removal of arsenic from water, Frontiers in Environmental Science , [2023], https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2023.1104320

  • Maneesh Jaiswal, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Mahmoud Nasr, Arvind Kumar Nema,Jakir Hussain, Tabarak Malik, Heavy metal contamination in the complete stretch of Yamuna River: A fuzzy logic approach for comprehensive health risk assessment, PlosOne , [2022], doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0272562

  • Muzamil Ahmad Rather, Anutee Dolley, Nabajit Hazarika, Vimha Ritse, Kuladip Sarma, Latonglila Jamir, Siddhartha Shankar Satapathy, Suvendra Kumar Ray, Ramesh Chandra Deka, Ajaya Kumar Biswal, Robin Doley, Manabendra Mandal, Nima D Namsa, Glycome Profiling and Bioprospecting Potential of the Himalayan Buddhist Handmade Paper of Tawang Region of Arunachal Pradesh, Frontiers in Plant Science , vol.13, [2022], https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.831589

  • Leena Borah*, Bedabati Kalita, Priyanka Boro, Amenuo Susan Kulnu, Nabajit Hazarika*, Climate change impacts on socio-hydrological spaces of the Brahmaputra floodplain in Assam, Northeast India: A review, Frontiers in Water , [2022]

  • Suranjana Bhaswati Borah, Apurba Kumar Das, Nabajit Hazarika, Himolin Basumatary, Monitoring and assessment of glaciers and glacial lakes: climate change impact on the Mago Chu Basin, Eastern Himalayas, Regional Environmental Change , vol.22, [2022], https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-022-01984-2

  • Leena Borah, Bedabati Kalita, Priyanka Boro, Amenuo Susan Kulnu, Nabajit Hazarika, Climate change impacts on socio-hydrological spaces of the Brahmaputra floodplain in Assam, Northeast India: A review, Frontiers in Water: Water and Climate , vol.4, [2022], 10.3389/frwa.2022.913840

  • Ankita Sharma and Narayan Sharma, Science Gains With Citizen’s Participation, The Assam Tribune, https://assamtribune.com/science-gains-with-citizens-participation/ , [2021]

  • Narayan Sharma and others, Size matters! The largest wild stump-tailed macaque Macaca arctoides troop ever reported, located in the Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary, northeastern India, Journal of Bioscience , [2021]

  • Narayan Sharma, Ankita Sharma, Bitupan Deka and Anindya Sinha, Chronic extraction of forest resources is threatening a unique wildlife habitat of the Upper Brahmaputra Valley, northeastern India, Current Science , [2020]

  • Sunitee Gohain Baruah, Imdadul Ahmed, Banashree Das, Bhomtalika Ingtipi, Himangshu Boruah, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Arvind K. Nema, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Heavy metal(loid)s contamination and health risk assessment of soil-rice system in rural and peri-urban areas of lower Brahmaputra valley, northeast India, Chemosphere , [2020]

  • Hazarika, Pranita Singh, H Ranjit, .Protein profiling by two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) represented a basic protein fingerprinting in tea, Indian Journal of Biotechnology (IJBT), Vol 19(3):176-181 , [2020]

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Scholarly Resources

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