Dr. Mayuri Chabukdhara
Associate Professor
Ph.D. : Indian Institute of Technology DelhiResearch Interests:
Pollution monitoring, Emerging contaminants, Pollution indices, Environmental Risk assessment, Waste management, Water and wastewater treatment, BioremediationDate of Joining : Sep 15, 2023
Phone: 9436962824
Email: mayuri.chabukdhara@cottonuniversity.ac.in
Career Profile/Services :
1. Junior Research Fellow in DST Sponsored Project in the Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST, Itanagar (2007- 2008)
2. Research Scientist, North Eastern Space Application Centre, Department of Space, India, Meghalaya, India (2013-2015 )
3. Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences, Cotton University (November 2015-September 2023)
4. Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences, Cotton University (September 2023-Till date)
PG Course
1st semester: EWS703C - Environmental Chemistry and Pollution
2nd semester: EWS803C - Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment
3rd semester: EWS902C - Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
EWS903 Pollution Control and Waste Management
4th semester: EWS 1002SP2 - Earth Processes, Energy and Environmental Impact Assessment
Part of UG courses
EVS 101CMP-Introduction to Environmental Science
EVS304E-Environmental Pollution
EVS404E-Environmental Hazard and Mitigation
EVS504E-Environmental Resources, Management and Policies
Research Projects
Sl. No. | Principal Investigator | Mentor | Title of the Project | Period | Sponsoring Agency | Sanctioned Amoun | Status |
1 | Dr. Pratibha Deka(National Postdoctoral Fellow | Dr. Mayuri Chabukdhara | Health implications to woman and children in biomass using households of Assam | 2016-2017 | DST-SERB | Rs.19,20,000/- | Completed |
2 | Dr. Mayuri Chabukdhara | - | Investigation of heavy metals in soil-rice systems in northeast India: food safety implications and evaluation of best management practices | 2017-2020 | DST-SERB | Rs.30,27,950/- | Ongoing |
3 | Dr. Mayuri Chabukdhara (Co-PI) | DBT-BUILDER: Cotton University Interdisciplinary Life Science Programme for Advance Research and Education focusing Medicial Plant Research and Biodiversity Conservation | 2022-2027 | DBT, GoI | Rs 4,32,62,238/- | Ongoing |
Research Projects
Sl. No | Name of the Project | Name of the Principal Investigator(PI) | Name of the Co-PI | Name of the Funding Agency | Type (Government/Non-Government) | Year | Funds Sanctioned (INR in lakhs) | Duration of the Project |
1 | Design of a sustainable gravity-driven arsenic removal system for drinking water using iron bimetallic (Fe-Mn) nanomaterial incorporated plant based bio-templates Status: Ongoing |
Mayuri Chabukdhara | Cotton University | In House | 2024 | 1.00 | 18 Months | |
2 | DBT-BUILDER: Cotton University Interdisciplinary Life Science Programme for Advance Research and Education focusing Medicinal Plant Research and Biodiversity Conservation Status: Ongoing |
Dr. Akalesh K Verma | Dr. Mayuri Chabukdhara | DBT, Govt. of India | Government | 2022 | 43262238 | 5 years |
3 | Investigation of heavy metals in soil-rice systems in northeast India: food safety implications and evaluation of best management practices Status: Completed |
Dr. Mayuri Chabukdhara | SERB | Government | 2017 | 3027950 | 3 years |
Research paper publications
1. Pranab Borah, Ayush Baral, Anirban Kumar Paul, Udayini Ray, Raju Bharalee, Hrishikesh Upadhyaya, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Akalesh Kumar Verma , Traditional wisdom in modern medicine: unveiling the anticancer efficacy of Northeastern Indian spices, Journal of Herbal Medicine, vol. 46, 100896, 2024 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hermed.2024.100896
2. N. Chakraborty, M. Chabukdhara, M. Gogoi , Household disposal practices of unused and expired medicines: a case study of Guwahati City, Assam, India, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management , In press, 2024 10.1504/IJEWM.2023.10055811
1. Himangshu Boruah, Neha Tyagi, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Mayuri Chabukdhara* and Tabarak Malik*, Understanding the adsorption of iron oxide nanomaterials in magnetite and bimetallic form for the removal of arsenic from water, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2023 https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2023.1104320
2. Rajashree Bhuyan, Pinki Brahma, Mayuri Chabukdhara*, Neha Tyagi, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Tabarak Malik , Heavy metals contamination in sediments of Bharalu River, Guwahati, Assam, India: A tributary of river Brahmaputra, PlosOne, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0283665
1. Maneesh Jaiswal, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Mahmoud Nasr, Arvind Kumar Nema,Jakir Hussain, Tabarak Malik, Heavy metal contamination in the complete stretch of Yamuna River: A fuzzy logic approach for comprehensive health risk assessment, PlosOne, 2022 doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0272562
Research paper publications till 2021
Dipannita Deka, Pinky Bora, N. Nirjanta Devi, Mayuri Chabukdhara (2021) “Biosorption of Cadmium by fungi isolated from Bharalu river, Assam”. Journal of Tropical Life Science, 11, 279-284
Sunitee Gohain Baruah, Imdadul Ahmed, Banashree Das, Bhomtalika Ingtipi, Himangshu Boruah, Sanjay K Gupta, Arvind K. Nema, Mayuri Chabukdhara* (2021) “ Heavy metal(loid)s contamination and health risk assessment of soil-rice system in rural and peri-urban areas of lower Brahmaputra valley, Northeast India”. Chemosphere, 266, 129150
Amar Hanse, Mayuri Chabukdhara*, Sunitee Gohain Baruah, Himangshu Boruah, Sanjay K Gupta (2019) “Fluoride contamination in groundwater and associated health risks in Karbi Anglong District, Assam, Northeast India”. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191: 782
Sanjay K. Gupta, Faiz Ahmed Ansari, Mahmoud Nasr, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Faizal Bux (2018) “Multivariate analysis and health risk assessment of heavy metal contents in foodstuffs of Durban, South Africa”. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190:151
Mayuri Chabukdhara*, Sanjay K. Gupta, Yatharth Kotecha, Arvind K. Nema (2017) “Groundwater quality in Ghaziabad district, Uttar Pradesh, India: multivariate and health risk assessment.Chemosphere, 179: 167–178.
Nivedita Barman, Pranamika Bhuyan, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Pratibha Deka, Raza Rafiqul Hoque (2017) “PM10 Bound Elements, Ions, Carbon and PAHs during Festive Biomass Burning over the Brahmaputra Valley” Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 14:27–40.
Mayuri Chabukdhara*, Amit Munjal, Arvind K. Nema, Sanjay K. Gupta & Rajendra Kumar Kaushal (2016) “Heavy metal contamination in vegetables grown around peri-urban and urban-industrial clusters in Ghaziabad, India”. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 22: 736–75
Mayuri Chabukdhara*, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Arvind Kumar Nema (2016) “Assessment of Seasonal Variation of Surface Water Quality: Environmetric And Indexing Approach”. IIOAB Journal, 7:16−24
Mayuri Chabukdhara*, O.P Singh (2016) “Coal mining in northeast India: an overview of environmental issues and treatment approaches.” International Journal of Coal Science and Technology, 3:87−96
Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Jaswant Singh, Faizal Bux (2015) “Evaluation and Potential Health Hazard of Selected Metals in Water, Sediments, and Fish from the Gomti River.” Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 21:227−240.
Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Praveen Kumar, Jaswant Singh, Faizal Bux (2014) “Evaluation of ecological risk of metal contamination in river Gomti, India: A biomonitoring approach.”Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 110: 49–55.
Mayuri Chabukdhara* and Arvind K. Nema (2013) “Heavy metals assessment in urban soil around industrial clusters in Ghaziabad, India: probabilistic health risk approach”. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 87: 57-64.
Rakesh Kumar, Mayuri Chabukdhara (2013) “Assessment of drinking water supply in hilly rural habitations of Northeastern region of India.” International journal of Earth Science and Engineering, 6: 338−346.
Mayuri Chabukdhara* and Arvind K. Nema (2012) “Assessment of heavy metal contamination in river sediments: a chemometric and geochemical approach”. Chemosphere, 87: 945-953.
Mayuri Chabukdhara* and Arvind K. Nema (2012) “Heavy Metals in Water, Sediments and Aquatic Macrophytes: A Case Study in River Hindon, India”. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste 16: 273-281
Mayuri Chabukdhara*, Arvind K. Nema, Sanjay K. Gupta (2012) “Metal Contamination in Market Based Vegetables in an Industrial Region, India”. Bulletin of environmental contamination and Toxicology 89: 129-132.
Rajendra Kumar Kaushal, George K. Varghese, Mayuri Chabukdhara (2012) “Municipal Solid Waste Management in India-Current State and Future Challenges: A Review.” International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 4: 1473−1489.
Surindra Suthar, Jitender Sharma, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Arvind K. Nema (2010) " Water Quality Assessment of River Hindon at Ghaziabad, India: Impact of Industrial and Urban Wastewater”. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 165: 103-112.
Surindra Suthar, Arvind K. Nema, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Sanjay K. Gupta (2009) “Assessment of metals in water and sediments of Hindon River, India: Impact of industrial and urban discharges”. Journal of Hazardous Materials,171: 1088-1095.
P.L.N Raju et al. (2016). “Operational Remote Sensing Services In North Eastern Region Of India For Natural Resources Management, Early Warning For Disaster Risk Reduction And Dissemination Of Information And Services, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLI-B4, 767-775, doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XLI-B4-767-2016
K. Chakraborty, P.P Mondal, M. Chabukdhara, S. Sudhakar (2014). Forest fire scenario and challenges of mitigation during fire season in North East India, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-8, 27-33, doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-8-27-2014
[* corresponding author] ( Total Google Scholar Citations: 2126, H-index: 15, i10 index: 16) https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=2y2WcucAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Chapters/Articles publications in Books (Research Oriented)
- Hazarika, N., Borah, L., Chabukdhara, M. Facets of water crisis: too little and too much of water and its future scenario. In Khound et al (eds) Souvenir cum technical volume: water for peace, The Institution of Engineers (India), 2024, Guwahati, India. (ISBN: 978-81-953187-9-7)
- Bhaskar Das, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Sanjukta Patra, Manashjit Gogoi (2021) Current Knowledge on Toxicity of Nanomaterials: Toxicity Assessment and Impact, Nanotoxicology, CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), 339-375
- Mayuri Chabukdhara, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Arvind K. Nema (2021) “Heavy Metal Accumulation in Crops and Vegetables: An Overview of Current State, Sources and Associated Risks”. Field Practices for wastewater use in agriculture, Apple Academic Press, 25-49
- Mayuri Chabukdhara, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Faiz Ahmad Ansari, Amit K. Bajhaiya and Manish Kumar (2019) “Bioremediation of Organic Xenobiotics from Wastewater A Review”. Microbial Biodegradation of Xenobiotic Compounds, Science Publishers (An Imprint of CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis Group), 111
- Sanjay Kumar Gupta1*, Sayanti Roy, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Jakir Hussain3, Manish Kumar (2019) “Risk of metal contamination in agriculture crops by reuse of wastewater: An Ecological and Human health risk perspectives”. Water Conservation, Recycling and Reuse: Issues and Challenges, Springer Publication, 55-59
- Mayuri Chabukdhara, Manashjit Gogoi, Sanjay K Gupta (2019) “Potential and feasibility of the microalgal system in removal of pharmaceutical compounds from wastewater”. Application of Microalgae in Wastewater Treatment, Springer International AG Cham, Switzerland, 177-206
- Mayuri Chabukdhara, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Manashjit Gogoi (2017)“Phycoremediation of heavy metals coupled with generation of bioenergy”. Algal Biofuels: Recent Advances and Future Prospects, Springer International Publishing, pp. 163-188, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-51010-1_9, ISBN:978-3-319-51009-5
Research Scholars
Sl. No | Name | Research Topic | Roll No |
1 | Rajashree Bhuyan | Water Pollution Monitoring, Management and Bioremediation | |
2 | Sunitee Gohain Baruah | Heavy Metal contamination in soil- rice system | |
3 | Ritu Paban Borah | Ecotoxicology | |
4 | Himangshu Boruah | Nanomaterials, Water remediation. |
Selected as a Member of the Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS), 2023-2027
Early Career Research Award in 2017 by DST-SERB, GoI
UGC NET in Environmental Science, 2007
NEC scholarship for PG studies
Young Scientist Award, National Environmental Science Academy (NESA), New Delhi
Awarded certificate of outstanding contribution in reviewing by the journal of Environmental Pollution(Elsevier)
Awarded certificate of outstanding contribution in reviewing by the journal of Science of The Total Environment(Elsevier)
Awarded certificate of outstanding contribution in reviewing by the journal of Chemosphere(Elsevier)
Awarded certificate of outstanding contribution in reviewing by the journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (Elsevier)
1. Indian patent (Granted): Title of invention: Sample Cassette. Inventors: Gogoi, M., Chabukdhara, M., Daurai, B.. Design No.: 409571-001, Grant date: 07-03-2024
Other Information
- Invited lecture on “Biomedical Waste: What, Why and How?” in workshop under Design Innovation Centre (DIC) add-on Courses, Department of Bio-medical Engineering , North Eastern Hill University, 10th August 2024
- Invited lecture on “Polyethylene waste generation from E-com (online shopping) services” in “inSCIgnis”, National Science Day, Tezpur University, 29th February, 2024.
- Invited lecture on “Activities and outlines of Indian National Young academy of science” in Workshop on awareness on intellectual property rights among young researchers, National Research Centre on Pig, Guwahati, Assam, 28th November, 2023.
- Invited lecture on "Risk and Pollution Indices as tools for Environmental Quality Assessment" in National Conference on Advances in Environmental Science, Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University March 10, 2023
- Invited lecture on “Environmental Risk Assessment: A special focus on Human Health Risk Assessment” in Gurukul in emerging areas in modern biology and medicine’ on 2-3rd March 2023, INYAS in collaboration with Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tezpur University.
- Invited lecture on “Biomedical Waste: Generation, Treatment, and Disposal Techniques" in workshop under Design Innovation Centre (DIC) add-on Courses, Department of Bio-medical Engineering , North Eastern Hill University, 10th December 2022.
- Invited lecture on “Hospital Wastewater: Concerns, Treatment, and Disposal" in workshop under Design Innovation Centre (DIC) add-on Courses, Department of Bio-medical Engineering , North Eastern Hill University, 18th June 2022.
- Invited lecture on “Green Building: a sustainable approach” in One Month Certificate Course on Environmental management from April 26th to May 25th, 2022, organized by Department of Earth science, USTM in collaboration with Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University, 23rd May 2022
- Resource Person for lecture on "Environmental Impact Assessment", Department of Earth Science, USTM, Meghalaya, 29th June, 2022
- Invited lecture on “Concept of Green Building and Green Campus Audit” in online symposium on major issues related to environmental protection as part of students induction program, Assam Royal Global University, 2nd November 2021
- Invited lecture on ‘Biomedical Waste: Hazards, Treatment and Disposal’ in workshop under Design Innovation Centre (DIC) add-on Courses, Department of Bio-medical Engineering , North Eastern Hill University, 28th August 2021
- Invited lecture on ‘Biomedical Waste Management’ in workshop under Design Innovation Centre (DIC) add-on Courses, Department of Bio-medical Engineering , North Eastern Hill University, 27th February 2021
- Invited lecture on ‘An integrated approach for groundwater quality assessment with special reference to heavy metals and fluoride contamination’ at international conference on “Engineering Sciences and Technologies for Environmental Care” 20-22nd February, 2020 at NEIST Jorhat, Assam, India
- Resource Person in Cleaner India Programme for DD-National recording on 20th December, 2018 at Doordarshan Kendra Guwahati Studio.
- Invited Lecture on Construction and Demolition Waste Management under Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) Certificate Course on Waste Management sponsored by MoEF & CC, GoI at ENVIS Centre, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, 4th September, 2018
- Invited Lecture on “Waste Management” under Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) Certificate Course on Waste Management sponsored by MoEF & CC, GoI at ENVIS Centre, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, 5th September, 2018
- Resource Person for NET/SLET special classes (on People and Environment)undertaken by Cotton University during May-June 2018
- Invited talk on “Arsenic contamination in groundwater with special reference to northeast India: an overview”, in “DEMETRIX” an All Assam Geological Fest, 27th -28th April, 2018, Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam.
- Resource person for workshop on “Environmental Impact Assessment” at YETI (Young Ecologist Talk and Interaction) held at Tezpur University, 5-7th January, 2017
- Invited Talk on “An integrated approach for groundwater quality assessment” at 3rd Cotton University Research Outreach Meeting (CUROM) held at Cotton University on 31st March, 2017
Popular Article:
• An invited article on “Heavy metal contamination in vegetables grown in peri-urban areas” in Geography and You, 19, pp. 42-47, 2019
- Sunitee Gohain Baruah and Mayuri Chabukdhara (2022) “Arsenic contamination in rice and associated health risks: a case study of rural Kamrup district, Assam, India” at “International Earth Science Conference (IESC) 2022: Sustainable Development: Challenges and the Way Forward” November 18-19, 2022, University of Science and Technology Meghalaya.
- Himangshu Boruah, Khirod Kumar Dash, Dambarudhar Mohanta, Anjan Jyoti Borah, Mayuri Chabukdhara (2020) “Colocasia starch/zinc oxide nanocomposite film as a sustainable material for food packaging applications” at international conference on “Engineering Sciences and Technologies for Environmental Care” February 20-22, in the institute at Jorhat, Assam, India.
- Amar Hanse, Sunitee Gohain Baruah, Himangshu Boruah, Mayuri Chabukdhara (2019) “Assessment of Fluoride Contamination in Karbi Anglong District, Assam” at National Conference on Green, Sustainable and Evolving Sciences , June 28-29, Cotton University, Guwahati, Asssam.
- Maitreyee Baruah, Sunitee Boruah Gohain, Himangshu Boruah, Mayuri Chabukdhara (2018) “ Assessment of heavy metals in Deepor Beel sediments, Asssam, India” at National Seminar on Harnessing Wetlands for sustainable Livelihood, November, 26-27, Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam.
- Kasturi Chakraborty, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Partho P. Mondal, Suranjana B. Borah, S. Sudhakar, K K Sarma and P L N Raju(2017) “Status of forest fire- a case study from northeast India” at 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, October 23-27, New Delhi
- Kasturi Chakraborty, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Partho P. Mondal, Suranjana B. Borah, Kasturi Goswami, Arup Borgohain, K K Sarma and P L N Raju(2017) “Forest fire scenario of North East India” in a Workshop on Space Technology Inputs for Disaster Risk Reduction in North Eastern Region with special emphasis on Early warning, Preparedness and Mitigation, 16-17 March, North Eastern Space Applications Centre Department of Space, Govt. of India Umiam, Shillong, Meghalaya.
- Mayuri Chabukdhara (2017) “Heavy Metals Fractionation and Associated Risk in River Sediments of Hindon, India” at National Seminar on Recent Advances in Zoological Research and Integrative Biology, 28th February, Cotton University,Guwahati.
- Mayuri Chabukdhara, Rakesh Kumar (2017)“Performance Analysis of Membrane Filtration Units in Northeast India: A Field-Based Study” at National Seminar on Science and Technology for Human Welfare, 27th February, Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Tecnology, Guwahati.
- Pratibha Deka, Mayuri Chabukdhara, Raza Rafiqul Hoque (2017) “Biomass fuel and its health implications to women and children in India- an overview” at National Seminar on Climate Change and Society, 24-25 February, Tezpur University.
- Mayuri Chabukdhara (2017) “Heavy metal contamination in agricultural soils around industrial city of Ghaziabad, India: a GIS based approach” at International Conference on Earth Science Conference on Challenges in Sustainable Resource Management and Way Forward, 29-31 January, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya.
- Mayuri Chabukdhara, Arvind K Nema (2016)“Assessment of Heavy Metals in River Sediments Using Fuzzy logic Approach”, National Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, 21-22 October, Cotton College State University, Guwahati, Assam.
- Mayuri Chabukdhara, Manashjit Gogoi (2016) “Engineered Nanoparticles in Cosmetics: an Overview of Environmental and Health Issues”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8-9 September, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalya.
- Mayuri Chabukdhara, Partho Protim Mondal, Kasturi Chakraborty, S. Sudhakar (2014). “Assessment of Forest Fire Scenario: a case study of Northeast India”, Regional Conference on Geoinformatics for Early Warning of Disasters with Special Emphasis on NE Region, Sept 18-19, 2014 NEHU, Shillong.
- Mayuri Chabukdhara and Arvind K. Nema (2012) “Assessment of water quality using multivariate approach: a case study of river Hindon in Ghaziabad, India” at the 3rd GEM-IIT (Indo-French) research seminar entitled “Recent advances and innovations for sustainable water management” 3-6 December, IIT Delhi
- Judge for NERLSE-North Eastern Regional Level Science Exhibition-inSCIgnis 2024 at Tezpur University, 28th February, 2024
- Co-organized “World AMR awareness week, “Preventing Antimicrobial Resistant Together”, Assam Down Town University in collaboration with ICAR-National Research Centre on Pig and INYAS, 24 November, 2023
- Co-Organizer,“One Day Workshop on “Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights among young researchers”,ICAR-National Research Centre on Pig and INYAS, 28 November, 2023
- Coordinator, Iconic Women Scientists of India under WiSDom (Women in Scientific Domain) flagship event of INYAS, 12 July 2023
- Co-convener, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, “Empowering women and girls in science: challenges and opportunities”, 11 February 2023, Tezpur University in association with INYAS (Indian National Young Academy of Science)
- Judge for the oral presentation at One Day National Seminar on 'Advances in Environmental Science' at Tezpur University March 10, 2023
- Technical Session Chair, International Seminar on Climate Change: Impact and Resilience organized by the Department of Zoology, Assam Don Bosco University in collaboration with Zoological Society of Assam held at Assam Don Bosco University, Tapesia Campus, Sonapur – 782402, Assam, India on 27-28 February 2023
- Technical Session Chair, International Earth Science Conference (IESC) International Earth Science Conference (IESC) 2022: Sustainable Development: Challenges and the Way Forward” November 18-19, 2022, University of Science and Technology Meghalaya in Collaboration with Tezpur University
Member of Advisory Committee for one month certificate course on "Environmental Management" conducted by Department of Earth Science, USTM in collaboration with Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University (April 26- May 25, 2022)
Panelist, Pollution in Guwahati-Way Forward, in North East Live News Channel broadcasted on 25th August, 2018,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho2Y5kp9iSQ&t=184s
Panelist, “Women in Science ” Yamin Hazarika Memorial Function on the 21st of May, 2017, at Blue Paradise, V.I.P. Road, Guwahati, Assam
Invited as Judge for Science Exhibition on the theme “VISION 2030-Lets Create a World through Sustainable Development” held in St Vivekananda English Academy on 23rd March 2018
Reviewer of research papers submitted to the journals:
- Plos Global Public Health
- Frontiers in Environmetal Science
- Journal of Talanta (Elsevier)
- Chemosphere (Elsevier)
- Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier)
- Environmental Pollution (Elsevier)
- Measurement (Elsevier),
- Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier)
- Journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (Elsevier)
- Exposure and Health (Springer)
- International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology(Springer)
- Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer)
- Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Springer)
- Journal of Environment, Development and Sustainability (Springer)
- Journal of Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer)
- Soil and Sediment Contamination (Taylor and Francis)
- Desalination and Water Treatment (Taylor & Francis)
- Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (Taylor & Francis)
- Journal of Health and Pollution (Blacksmith Publ)
- Current Science
Administrative assignments within and outside the institution
- Head, Department of Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences, Cotton University (September, 2023 - till date)
- Head-in-charge, Department of Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences, Cotton University (December, 2021 -September, 2023)
- Member, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Board of Studies, Department of Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences, Cotton University, Guwahati. -2018
- Member, Departmental Research Committee, Department of Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences, Cotton University, Guwahati. -2017
- Member, Executive Committee, Cotton University Teacher Association. (2017-till date )
- Coordinator, PhD Coursework, Cotton College State University (2016-2017)
- Member, Library Committee, Cotton College State University. -2016
Activities/assignments in the University
- Convener, World Water Day, 2024 on the theme “Water for Peace” at Amchang Tea Estate Model School, Digaru on 22 March, 2024 in association with INYAS (Indian National Young Academy of Science)
- Convener, Word Environment Day, 2023 by conducting “Awareness campaign for single use plastic free campus”, 2nd and 5th June 2023, Cotton University in association with INYAS (Indian National Young Academy of Science)
- Organising Committee Member, World Water Day Celebration organised jointly by Safe Water Centre for Healthy Assam (SWaCHA) (22 March 2018)
- Organising Committee Member, World Environment Day Celebration, Organised jointly by Cotton University and United Nations Resource Centre, North Eastern Region at Cotton University (5 June 2018 )
- Involved in compilation of Research Project Database for Annual Report, Cotton College State University -2017
- Member (Exhibition Committee), IASST-CCSU Science Fair -2017
- Member (Exhibition Committee), National Science Day, Cotton College State University and IASST (28-29 February, 2016)
- Organised a colloquium on “Terahertz (THz) response of materials in High Magnetic Field” delivered by Papori Gogoi, High Field Magnet Laboratory, Radboud University, The Netherlands at Cotton College State University (7 March 2016)
- Organized National Science Day in the Department on 28th February 2018
- Moderator of Group Discussion on theme “Exploring nature-based solution to address water quality issues” held on World Water Day on 22nd March 2018
- Moderator of Brainstorming Session: “Can we make Cotton University Plastic Free? In World Environment Day on 5th June 2018
Association with Professional Bodies
Selected Member, Indian National Young Academy of Sciences(INYAS)-INSA
Life Member IIT Delhi Alumni Asscociation
Life member of Indian Science Congress Association, India
Life member of Indian Society of Geomatics (ISG), India
Life member of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, India
Life member, National Environmental Science Academy (NESA), New Delhi