
slno Department Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year Funds sanctioned (INR in lakhs) Duration of the project
1 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences Updating the people's Biodiversity Register of five selected Gaon Panchayat BMC's of Kamrup (M) district, namely Amsing GP BMC, Panikheiti GP BMC, Sonapur GP BMC and Azara GP BMC Dr. Narayan Sharma Assam State Biodiversity Board (ASBB) Government 2025 350000.00 3 months
2 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences Design of a sustainable gravity-driven arsenic removal system for drinking water using iron bimetallic (Fe-Mn) nanomaterial incorporated plant based bio-templates Mayuri Chabukdhara Cotton University In House 2024 1.00 18 Months
3 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences Long-term Tree Phenology Monitoring Programme in Cotton University Campus Narayan Sharma Cotton University In House 2024 1 1 year
4 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences Spatio-temporal monitoring and assessment of Glaciers and Glacial lakes in West Kameng District, Eastern Himalayas: a climate change perspective Nabajit Hazarika Cotton University In House 2024 1.00 18 months
5 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences Evaluation of ecosystem services provided by the wetland and the forests to the local communities in three villages adjoining Deepor Beel, Guwahati Narayan Sharma Assam Science Technology and Environment Council Government 2023 0.75 Three months
6 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences Design of sustainable gravity-driven arsenic removal system for drinking water using iron bimetallic (Fe-Mn) nanomaterial incorporated plant based bio-templates Dr. Mayuri Chabukdhara COTTON UNIVERSITY In House 2023 100000.00 1 Year
7 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences DBT-BUILDER: Cotton University Interdisciplinary Life Science Programme for Advance Research and Education focusing Medicinal Plant Research and Biodiversity Conservation Dr. Akalesh K Verma DBT, Govt. of India Government 2022 43262238 5 years
8 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences Assessment of Gastro-intestinal parasitic load in the Rhesus macaque ( Macaca mulatta) population in Guwahati, Assam by faecal sample analysis. Dr.Narayan Sharma COTTON UNIVERSITY In House 2022 100000.00 1 Year
9 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences Investigation of the impacts of climate change on food and livelihood security of Assamese farmers and their adaptive responses- a study from North East India Dr. Leena Borah ICSSR Government 2019 4.00 1 year
10 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences Estimation of greenhouse gas fluxes (methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide) from Deepor Beel, a Ramsar wetland site of Assam, and identification of associated environmental factors Leena Borah SERB Government 2019 52.17564 3 years
11 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences Investigation of the impacts of climate change on food and livelihood security of Assamese farmers and their adaptive responses – a study from North East India Leena Borah ICSSR Government 2019 4.00 1 year
12 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences An Exploratory Assessment to identify the Ecosystem Services and Alternative Livelihood options and to design advocacy and campaigning programme for the conservation of Deepor Beel- an Urban Ramsar Site, Guwahati, Assam Dr. Narayan Sharma Wipro Foundation Non- Government 2018 7.35 3 years
13 Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences Investigation of heavy metals in soil-rice systems in northeast India: food safety implications and evaluation of best management practices Dr. Mayuri Chabukdhara SERB Government 2017 3027950 3 years